Hi All,

    So the last few days have been a real kick in the gut as of lately.  I have been on a mini-vacation so I went to stay with family who lives in Nashville TN.   Well I have a friend who lives in Nashville, who I have some history with as more than friends kinda.... Well let me explain to you. 

    Let me start a few years ago while I was in college me and this girl named Bridget met each other in a Ecology class while at school.    Well when we first meet each other Bridget was dating a  guy named Christopher, who I known well, and I thought they where very committed to each other.  Well Bridgett invited me over to help her study for our class, no big issue, well when I got over there  we studied nothing unusual went on, other than she asked me if Christopher had said anything about her.   Well I told her no that Christopher had not talked about her and she asked me if I wanted to hang out some time.  I told her sure, I mean she was fun girl to hang out with and we had fun being smart asses together.   Well to shorten this story a bit, one night she called me to ask to come hang out and have a drink or two.   Well  I went and had drinks, well I thought they would be other people there but no it was just me and her.

    Well as we are having drinks she comes on to me and we start messing around with each other but we do not sleep together.  Do about everything except sleep together and course I was a complete dick considering I knew she had a boyfriend.  I felt bad about it, but this thing goes on throughout the rest of the college year and she would often get drunk and call me wanting to hook up but we never did.  I mean I would be honest about it here because we hell why lie?   Well she finally asked me to date her, and I never would date her because she would cheat on her boyfriends with other guys not always with me.   So first off I know I was a real dick for messing around with her and never wanting to date her.   Well this kinda of thing went on between us for like another 2 years. We had a major falling out one night when she asked me, why I would not date her, and I told her she was not my type. We remained friends till both of us meet our some ones; I meet my future X fiancee,  and she was with her future X husband.  

    Well after we both split up with our x romantic partners we did talk some but not much due to my pineing over my X fiancee.  So we had some what of a falling out on second time cause she got so mad about hearing about my x fiancee.   So after about a year we got to talking to each other again and we started hanging out again as friends.  Well she invited me over a couple of nights ago and we got to drinking and both of us got shit wrecked from drinking.   Well as we did, she started making out with me and telling me, "she loved me" and "we where going to get married."  Well I know I should have just said no this aint going to happen but let me say; I have not been laid in five years and counting, so my larger brain was not running too well.   So we chit chat and as we made out she wound up asking if we just wanting to get it over with and go ahead and hook up.   I was all about this plan, but we didn't we just made out again.  Well we decided to go to bed, cause we where both drunker than hell, I wanted to sleep in there with her just cause actually I miss that from my relationship.  We she said no, so I stumbled to her extra room to sleep it off.  Then I heard some on beating on the door, I went there and she was outside with her last x boyfriend making out with him.

    The next morning, feeling like hell from my hangover, I come out to the kitchen and she is in there getting a drink of water.  I agreed and I felt like hell, but we took a minute and was chatting, I never asked her a question about her x boyfriend.  I asked though if she wanted to go get some greasy ohh so yummy waffle house to help cure the hangovers.   She said, "ahhh  no my x hasn't woke up yet."  I just keep thinking, "what the hell what was all the bullshit you talked to me last night?"  Ohh so that how it is I have been kicked to, "Ohh if this does not work out, you will do, cause you will not find anyone."  I mean is that what they pushed me too in my life really?   This is horse shit.  I will be honest, I will not settle for this shit in my life.  I would rather drive my truck off a cliff and crash in burn listening to some Master of Puppets then spend my time waiting on her..... Really is that all we have left in life if your 30 or older, is just being the guy everyone settled for because they are afraid of being alone.    No thanks I would rather eat a piece of lead than be that person....

I'm reminded of a Hank Williams III song.......

So give me 5 shots of whiskey
to help kill the misery and pain
you put me through
Thanks for the good times,
for they were the best of my life
I spent with you
Now what can I do?

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    Big Country as he has been known to his friends, is a poor 30 year old single guy.  Lives in the backwoods and resides over 30 minuets away from the nearest Wal-Mart or Dollar General store.  To know more just look at the about me section...


    October 2013

